Lisa A. Hollis-Sawyer
Northeastern Illinois University, USA
Title: New age audit approach to assess older adults living environments for positive health outcomes
Biography: Lisa A. Hollis-Sawyer
Increasingly, aging adults (e.g., Baby Boomers) will be wanting to “age in place” in their homes and workplaces. This is a reflection of the current and projected aging trends on a global basis (e.g., World Health Organization, 2015). A comprehensive content meta-analysis of existing “age friendly” guidelines (videos, checklists, workshops, books, research
articles) and assessment approaches (published tools) was conducted by two independent evaluators trained in assessment in order to develop both a much-needed “holistic” theoretical model of factors to consider when evaluating homes, workplaces, and larger communities and an associated assessment tool. Factors associated with the cultural, physical, psychological, social, and “logistical” design of an aging friendly environment for an older adult will be presented based on comprehensive review of books, published research, and published assessment tools designed for specific living environments. Results will discuss the implications and applications of both the comprehensive model and evaluation tool.